

These prices are indicative and subject to change without notice. These have been shared with you to give you a starting point for your budgeting purposes and the feature/investment choices that are available to you.

Starter / Project


  • 1 Entity
  • 3 HSEQ users included
  • Auditor Portal (Extra)
  • Get certified
  • Email support
  • Help center access
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  • 5 Entities
  • 8 HESQ users included
  • Employee Portal
  • Auditor Portal (Extra)
  • Email support
  • Help center access
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  • Unlimited Entities
  • 10 HSEQ users included
  • Employee Portal
  • Auditor Portal
  • Priority email & phone support
  • Help center access
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  • Unlimited Entities
  • 15+ users included
  • Employee Portal
  • Auditor Portal
  • Priority email & phone support
  • Help center access
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Set Up & Commissioning

Price ($AUD) Required
Initial high level consult $0
Project scoping and project plan $600
Instance Set Up & Configuration $1,400
Web Based Training (unlimited guests) $400 / session
Data Conversion $155 / hour
IMS Document Loading $85 / hour
IMS Document Editing $155 / hour
IMS Document Consulting $155 / hour
Software Development $155 / hour
Additional HSEQ Users $90 / user / mo
Post Live Production Plan $260
Onsite Training & Travel Costs $POA
First 50GB of Storage $0
Additional 50GB of Storage $15 / mo
Custom file backups $POA
Custom data backups / extraction $POA
Phone Support Bundle x4 $120 / mo
Phone Support Bundle x8 $200 / mo

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Starter SME Corporate Enterprise
Unlimited Entities 1 Entity 5 Entities
Unlimited Sites
Unlimited Records
Document Register & Management
Incident Reporting
Actions & Tasks
Personnel, Suppliers & Contractors
Training & Qualifications
Hazard & Risk Register
Assets, Maintenance & Calibration
Dashboard & Reporting
Custom Forms
Ongoing FREE updates
Release Notes & How-To's
Updated Documentation
Email Support
Priority Email Support
Priority Phone Support

Use Cases

Starter / Project

Our Starter offering is ideal for modest in house or project needs. Compliance and certification form part of a journey within your business. Initially you may have a process that follows:

  • Identify the need for certification
  • Collate documentation (procedures, policies, etc)
  • Undergo self certification where you asses that you meet the relevant standard
  • Achieve certification via a 3rd party audit

Our platform at its most basic collates the documentation and provides an audit trail that conveniently keeps all of your compliance management evidence in one place. Being online means that the Auditor only has to attend your site for a limited amount of time which ultimately means the platform pays for itself.

Another great reason to adopt the Starter version is that you can upgrade to the other editions as your needs evolve and only invest what you need to at the right time for you.

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Building on our popular Starter offering the SME version is aimed at organisations with more stakeholders who would benefit from both internal/HSEQ users and external Employee/Team Member users. The key take away is that more people can have access to the complete system but forms, processes and reporting can be exposed to team members so that they can:

  • Review & comply with policy (changes and onboarding)
  • Update personal details and review parts of their record that you allow them to
  • Report accidents, incidents and near misses
  • Complete forms and check lists

Once again this offering gives you a pathway for 3rd part audit and accreditation. Remember that the internal users can have different levels of access to the system depending on their job. For example you might have 4 people in your compliance / HSEQ team, the CEO, the Financial Controller, Production Manager and your IT Systems Administrator all being granted access. This means that staff can self-serve for data and reporting rather than interrupt other colleagues to run reports for them.

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For the investment of an extra $100 per month you are entitled to priority email & phone support and more users with access to the core system. Having unlimited entities & sites means that any legal entity, supplier, agency, project, joint venture or similar can be accounted for and assessed directly in the system and vetted for ongoing compliance.

At this level of usage a business will either be accredited or committed to the journey to get accredited.

As a higher tier offering we would be delivering proactive support based on quarterly support reviews.

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As a top tier customer you can expect elevated levels of priority and support. We would achieve this by:

  • Monthly review online meetings
  • Action Plans / Project management for specific initiatives involving the platform
  • Partner participation in the development road map.
  • Complimentary integration initial meetings to collaborate with your existing vendors to facilitate integrations

We understand that Enterprise needs may need to accommodate governance and other compliance measures. We will be helpful in communicating how we can meet these requirement and what additional costs are involved, if any.

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Set Up Cost Calculator

Please Note:

Like most businesses we offer a large range of tailored services which are priced according the work required, timeline and cost of delivery. These figures are only to give you an indication of some of the approaches available to you. Ultimately the scoping process will be the final step in outlining the work to be delivered and the charges applicable. We have not included all of them for sake of brevity and readability.

Required Suggested
Project scoping and project plan $600 $600
Instance Set Up & Configuration $1,400 $1,400
Web Based Training (unlimited guests) $400 $400
Post Live Production Plan $260 $260
Data Conversion (4 hours) $0 $620
IMS Document Loading (6 hours) $0 $510
IMS Document Editing (3 hours) $0 $465
Software Development (Reports x 3) $0 $930
System Administrator Training (SAT - 2 hours) $0 $250
Total $2,660 $5,435

Payment Schedule

Item Due
Set Up Fees (as above) Upon execution of contract
Monthly Fees - 6 months upfront Upon handover of system
Monthly Fees - 3 months upfront Upon quarterly anniversary
Ad hoc work 7 days from invoice

Taking it from here.

Thank you for taking the time to review our pricing structure. Our business undergoes constant evolution to keep up with best practices, legislative changes and innovations. We want you to be part of that journey.

We acknowledge that whilst our core system is being deployed at the current time there is still some work in progress to elevate the Employee and Auditor portals to where we want them. To that end we are working with key clients in the following ways:

  • They are providing us with valuable feedback that we are integrating into our development plans
  • They have invested in us to help shape the platform to account for their needs
  • We have guaranteed them a cost freeze for a period of time proportional to their upfront investment
  • As new portals and features come online they get priority access to them
  • We prioritise new features that are specific to them; for example they might have a tender requirement so we release an update so they can win the work.


  • We are a relatively new business but lead by individuals with decades of experience in Consulting and online platforms
  • We recognise that people need to discuss their needs and if we can accommodate them then please just ask
  • We will always acknowledge those clients that have supported us from the outset
We look forward to working with you.